Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites

The ultimate indulgent Keto chocolate treat has arrived! This is chocolate with a delectable rich mousse center. I rate these up there with the finest chocolatiers, except they are very much keto friendly. The mousse mix has a hint of lemon and coconut which gives a bit of freshness to the rich chocolate but you can choose to leave these out if you wish.

Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
If you have a sweet tooth these are the perfect thing to store in your fridge or freezer. They keep for a long time in the freezer, and I like take out a piece every time I feel like something sweet. These satisfy me in a way nothing else can when I feel the need for some chocolate. It feels like cheating, but I swear it’s not!
Just remember to let them sit for about half an hour so the center goes soft. (Mine almost never make it that long…) My personal favorite way is straight from the freezer as they last longer.
These individual treats are made in an ice tray so you also get perfect portion control.
I recommend using a silicone ice tray as they will be easiest to unmold once set. I didn’t make these in a silicone mold though, so it’s not necessary. You just need something small enough like any ice tray or even a very small mini muffin tin would work.
The trick to these is making sure you have enough chocolate hardened on the sides of the mold. That way, when you try to remove them from the ice tray, the top of the chocolate doesn’t just separate from the sides. Make sure you have ample chocolate on the sides that is at least 2-3mm thick. Do a second coat if you need to after you have set the first layer. If the chocolate has cooled slightly it should hold on the sides until it sets in the freezer.
If you have trouble with the first method I have also tried pouring the chocolate into the ice tray and spooning a small amount of the mousse mix into the melted chocolate. This will disperse chocolate up the sides. Then cover in chocolate and freeze in one step. This method is very easy.
I have tried a couple of different sugar-free or no sugar (stevia sweetened) dark chocolates and both work fine. I have tried both types in bits, drops, or buttons so the shape of the chocolate shouldn’t make a difference. Just try these with whatever you can find. (Unless it’s normal dark chocolate – that’s loaded with carbs.)
These make amazing little fat bombs if you need to boost your fat intake for the day, and they are only 1.02 net carbs per serving. It doesn’t get much better than that. These are worth every bit of effort!
Yields 12 servings of Keto Chocolate Mousse Bites


  • 10.5 ounces keto-friendly sweetened dark chocolate, ~300g
  • 1 ounce coconut oil, ~30g
  • ½ cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tablespoon shredded coconut
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest


1. Place the mold you are using into the freezer. In a microwave safe bowl, combine dark chocolate and the coconut oil. Microwave at 10 second intervals while mixing until the chocolate is melted. Be careful not to burn it.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
2. In a separate bowl whip the cream to medium stiff peaks.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
3. Add the shredded coconut and lemon zest and fold into the cream.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
4. Reserve at least 2/3rd of the melted chocolate for the molds. Slowly fold 1/3 of melted chocolate into the cream until you have a nice chocolate mousse. Cool the mousse in the fridge.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
5. Take the ice tray straight from the freezer and pour chocolate liberally into the mold. You will have to move the tray around so you get a nice coverage 2-3mm thick on each side. It is really important the chocolate isn’t too hot so you get a thick layer on the sides. Place your mold into the freezer to set for approximately 15 minutes. If the chocolate layer is too thin then repeat this process. (Make sure leave some chocolate for the bottoms though).
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
6. Now take your cooled mousse mix and fill almost to the top of each section of the ice tray. Make sure you leave some room for the final layer of chocolate.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
7. Cover the top of each section in the remaining melted chocolate and place in the freezer for another 15 minutes to harden. You can add some extra lemon zest to the bottom if you’d like.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
8. After chilling, take the mold out and tap on the bottom of the ice tray. Your pieces should fall out. (This is where the silicone mold may come in handy). If the pieces don’t fall out twist the tray a little very gently and this should loosen them. You can also turn the tray upside down and gently tap on the bench.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
9. Store in the fridge or freezer and enjoy! I like to freeze any excess mousse mix into another ice tray and eat semi frozen for dessert too.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
This makes a total of 12 servings of Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites. Each serving comes out to be 174.67 Calories, 13.75g Fats, 1.02g Net Carbs, and 1.98g Protein.
Tropical Chocolate Mousse BitesCaloriesFats(g)Carbs(g)Fiber(g)Net Carbs(g)Protein(g)
10.5 ounces (300 g) sugar-free dark chocolate13878980820
1 ounce (30 g) coconut oil26829.720000
½ cup heavy whipping cream40542.943.2603.263.38
1 tablespoon lemon zest30.020.960.60.360.09
1 tablespoon shredded coconut333.331.330.70.630.33
Per Serving(/12)174.6713.751.

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