Salted Toffee Nut Cups

Before I get to the nitty gritty of how mind-blowingly tasty these are, let’s talk about trying to make toffee out of fake sugar. Basically, it’s not easy.

Salted Toffee Nut Cups
It’s not that the task is difficult, toffee is two ingredients and you can make it in the microwave, but it does take your complete attention and diligence. Toffee making waits for no one and it can burn in an instant! So here are the basics: make sure you stir often, watch for a light caramel color to develop, remove when the mix is the color of warm caramel. Oh, and always use oven mitts because the bowl is hot! You might think it isn’t ready because it will still be very watery. That is when you add a little extra sugar, stir, and watch it thicken right up!
These toffee nut cups will satisfy your need for sweet, salty, creamy and crunchy all in one! Some of the butter from the toffee always seeps out into the chocolate making it even more of a melt-in-your-mouth treat. Literally!
Yields 5 single serving Salted Toffee Nut Cups


  • 5 ounces low-carb milk chocolate
  • 3 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons erythritol*
  • 3 tablespoons cold butter
  • ½ ounce raw walnuts, chopped
  • Sea salt to taste
*I always use a store brand granulated “stevia/erythriol” sweetener blend because it is a mixture of erythritol and stevia and has a good flavor. Erythritol should work too but it may not have the same dimension of sweet that a mixture will provide.


1. Melt chocolate slowly by microwaving on power level 8 in 45 second intervals, stirring frequently, until chocolate is melted.
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
2. Place 5 paper cupcake liners into a cupcake pan. Drop a dollop of chocolate into each liner and spread to evenly cover the bottom. Brush chocolate up the edges slightly with a spoon or pastry brush. Place in the freezer to harden.
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
3. In a microwave safe glass bowl, heat the cold butter and erythritol on power 8 for three minutes. You must stir the mix every 20 to thirty seconds to prevent burning! The mixture will still look very watery and will be extremely hot! Add 2 teaspoons of erythritol and stir to thicken. Add the chopped walnuts.
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
4. Remove the chocolate cups from the freezer and reheat the chocolate if necessary. Fill each cup with a half spoon full of toffee mixture. If the mixture begins to separate and harden, that is normal! Just stir it gently and work quickly.
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
5. Top each cup with remaining chocolate and cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
6. Remove from cups and sprinkle with sea salt!
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
This makes a total of 5 servings of Salted Toffee Nut Cups. Each serving comes out to be 194.4 Calories, 18.76 g Fat, 2.21 g Net Carbs, and 2.5 g Protein.
Salted Toffee Nut CupsCaloriesFats(g)Carbs(g)Fiber(g)Net Carbs(g)Protein(g)
5 ounces low-carb milk chocolate*5755070301010
3 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons erythritol000000
3 tablespoons cold butter30534.550.0300.030.36
½ ounce raw walnuts939.241.940.91.042.16
Per Serving(/5)194.618.7614.
*Subtracted 30g sugar alcohol.

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