Keto Raspberry Ice Cream

Who doesn’t love ice cream? True, there are a number of keto friendly frozen treats that are now available at the grocery store, but this recipe is too simple and too delicious to pass up.

Raspberry Ice Cream
In lieu of sugar, I used allulose. I like it because it has zero GI and zero aftertaste. You may also use erythritol. If you want it sweeter, I suggest adding about 8-10 drops of liquid stevia. I didn’t find it necessary, to be honest. Fromage blanc is the French yogurt – it is a type of soft cheese made from cow’s milk with a creamy sour taste. I use it because I love it but, in a bind, you can use Greek yogurt. Mascarpone is another substitute option.
I promise you, it’s so good! It’s bright and creamy and just plain tasty. I find myself grabbing a spoonful or two much more than I’d like to admit. Thankfully, guilt-free!
Yields 16 (1/2-cup) servings of Keto Raspberry Ice Cream


  • 680 g (24 oz) raspberries, frozen
  • 150 g (5 oz) allulose*
  • 50 g (2 oz) fromage blanc **
  • 225 g (8 oz) heavy whipping cream
*If substituting erythritol, use about 200 g (7 oz)
**Available online. May substitute with Greek yogurt or mascarpone.


1. Place frozen raspberries in a bowl. Leave to thaw at room temperature about 30 minutes to an hour.
Keto Raspberry Ice Cream
2. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, mix to combine the fromage blanc and heavy whipping cream. Refrigerate.
Keto Raspberry Ice Cream
3. When the raspberries have thawed and softened, place in a blender and puree. Pass through a fine-meshed strainer and discard seeds.
Keto Raspberry Ice Cream
4. Stir in allulose. Mix until dissolved.
Keto Raspberry Ice Cream
5. Pour raspberry mixture onto the cream mixture. Mix until homogeneous. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Keto Raspberry Ice Cream
6. Using an ice cream maker, churn per manufacturers instructions.
Keto Raspberry Ice Cream
This makes 16 (1/2 cup) servings of Raspberry Ice Cream. Each serving comes out to be 73.16 Calories, 5.42g Fats, 4.04g Net Carbs, and 1.12g Protein.
Raspberry Ice CreamCaloriesFats (g)Carbs (g)Fiber (g)Net Carbs (g)Protein (g)
680 g (24 oz) frozen raspberries3815.5185.3429.256.147.82
150 g (5 oz) allulose000000
50 g (2 oz) fromage blanc24.50.012.2502.253.75
225 g (8 oz) heavy whipping cream76581.186.3906.396.39
Per Serving(/16)73.165.425.871.834.041.12

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