Keto Fruit Rollups

Remember getting little rolls of fruit leather tucked into your lunch box?  This recipe brings that back but replaces all the sugar with keto friendly erythritol.  The best part about this recipe is that you do not need a dehydrator.  You can just make this in your oven!

Keto Fruit Rollups
Kids love these!
Yields 8 servings of Keto Fruit Rollups


  • 2 cups mixed berries
  • 3 tablespoons erythritol


1. Puree the mixed berries and erythritol until smooth. Strain out any seeds from the puree using a sieve.
Keto Fruit Rollups
2. Add parchment paper or a baking mat to a baking tray. Smooth the puree out across the tray as evenly as possible.
Keto Fruit Rollups
3. Preheat your oven to 140 degrees, or the lowest temperature possible. Bake the fruit for 2-4 hours or until the center of the tray is no longer stick to the touch. If possible, leave the door of your oven slightly open. Check the fruit every 30 minutes while baking.
Keto Fruit Rollups4. Peel the fruit leathers gently off the baking tray then cut into the shape you desire. Don’t worry if it feels dry, it will become sticky overnight. Roll up using pieces of parchment or wax paper to prevent the fruit leathers from sticking together. If you used parchment paper to bake you can just cut through the paper.
Keto Fruit Rollups
This makes a total of 8 servings of Keto Fruit Rollups. Each serving comes out to be 20 Calories, 0.13g Fats, 2.99g Net Carbs, and 0.25g Protein.
Keto Fruit RollupsCaloriesFats(g)Carbs(g)Fiber(g)Net Carbs(g)Protein(g)
2 cups mixed berries1601.0133.9910.123.891.99
3 tablespoons erythritol000000
Per Serving(/8)

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