Christmas Wreath Meringue

A great “do-ahead” holiday dessert for you and your family to enjoy! Fashioned to resemble a Pavlova, the absence of sugar inhibits the meringue to crisp up. Instead, this meringue dessert holds its shape, firm to the touch, yet almost like marshmallow in taste and texture.

Christmas Wreath Meringue
The addition of cream and fruits make it festive!
Yields 12 servings of Christmas Wreath Meringue.


The Meringue
  • 90 g egg whites
  • 75 g allulose *
  • ½ teaspoon white vinegar
The Cream
  • 300 g heavy whipping cream
  • 50 g allulose *
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
  • 100 g strawberries
  • 100 g raspberries
  • 100 g blueberries
  • ½ tablespoon powdered erythritol, for dusting
  • Sprigs of mint or rosemary, for garnish
  • Optional: sugar-free citrus curd
* An alternative sugar, 70% as sweet as sugar, no aftertaste, no bloating, and zero glycemic index; may be found online


1. Prepare fruits and set aside.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
2. Make a template by drawing two circles on a parchment paper to resemble a wreath (optional).
Christmas Wreath Meringue
3. Preheat oven to 225°F. Line your baking sheet with prepared template or blank parchment paper. Prepare meringue ingredients.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
4. Put the egg whites in a clean mixing bowl and whisk until soft peaks.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
5. Whisking at high speed, gradually add allulose, a little at a time, until stiff and glossy.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
6. Stir in vinegar.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
7. Dab a dot of meringue in each of the four corners of the parchment paper to keep in place.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
8. Spoon the meringue onto the ring (or free hand). Make a shallow trench in the meringue. This will serve as a well for the cream and fruits to sit in.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
9. Bake for 30 minutes. After which, turn oven off and leave the meringue inside until cool and dry (almost tacky) to the touch.
10. Meanwhile, add cream and allulose to a bowl. Whip until fluffy.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
11. Add vanilla bean paste. Whip and refrigerate until ready to use.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
12. To assemble, spoon chilled cream onto the trench. Arrange fruits and decorate with mint leaves (or rosemary). Dust with powdered erythritol. Cut into wedges and serve.
Christmas Wreath Meringue
This makes 12 servings of Christmas Wreath Meringue. Each serving comes out to be 101.62 Calories, 9.14g Fats, 2.7g Net Carbs, and 1.75g Protein.
Christmas Wreath MeringueCaloriesFats(g)Carbs(g)Fiber(g)Net Carbs(g)Protein(g)
The Meringue
90 g egg whites470.150.6600.669.81
75 g allulose 000000
½ teaspoon white vinegar000000
Per Serving(/12)3.920.010.0600.060.82
The Cream 
300 g heavy whipping cream1020108.248.2208.228.52
50 g allulose000000
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste11.370.010.2500.250.01
100 g strawberries320.37.6825.680.67
100 g raspberries520.6511.946.55.441.2
100 g blueberries570.3314.492.412.090.74
½ tablespoon powdered erythritol, for
Per Serving(/12)
Per Serving(Meringue and Cream/12)101.629.143.610.912.71.75

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