Keto Tortilla Chips

Imagine if you went to Taco Bell right now and ordered a chalupa, then came home and deep fried it. Now, imagine if that same chalupa was low-carb and keto friendly. This is what the keto tortilla chips reminded me of. An exceptional cross-breed baby between a regular tortilla chip and a bready, soft chalupa.

Savory Pizza Fat Bombs

Fat bombs are a simple way to get more fat into your macros, either as a side dish, a snack, or a meal in itself. I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth, so I tend to lean toward savory food and flavors. Combining the flavors of pizza into a super easy to make and filling fat bomb was something that I just had to do. Everyone loves pizza, after all!

Coconut Orange Creamsicle Fat Bombs

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of requests to do simpler and easier recipes. Keto definitely has a lot of staple foods for me, but usually I try to post more extravagant recipes on the site. So, I think bringing some quick and easy recipes out will really help people that are just starting out, or trying to find new recipes for simple things. Fat bombs are pretty great for a quick and simple dessert or a snack midday. They’re packed full of fats and are perfect for a ketogenic diet.

Neapolitan Fat Bombs

When I was a kid, I loved sitting on my front doorsteps before dinner, especially because it meant my favorite treat – Neapolitan ice cream from the ice cream man! I could hear the truck coming from a mile away and would get so excited. I’d race my brother to the truck and was happiest when he had his little tiny frozen cups filled with the goodness that is chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.

Pesto Keto Crackers

These Pesto Keto Crackers combine a buttery crisp texture with the Italian taste that everyone loves. The flavor is a delightful combination of garlic, basil, and black pepper with just a hint of cayenne to waken up the taste buds. Enjoy these crackers by themselves, float them in soup, spread them with olive tapenade, or substitute them as croutons in a salad. You can even crush them up and use them in place of cracker crumbs for a yummy Italian style breading for meat or fish. Of course, they make a perfect backdrop for cheese—we especially love them with Parmesan.

Cheesy Cauliflower Onion Dip

It’s football season in my house, which means there’s a lot more snacking going on. Since not all my friends or family watch their carb or sugar intake, I try to create snacks that everyone can enjoy. So I knew one easy way I could try experimenting with some snack worthy recipes was to try a new twist on a classic dip recipe.

Spicy Sausage Cheese Dip

I’ve been seeing a lot of Pinterest pins for dips lately. It reminded me of this one Mexican restaurant I used to visit that had the best spicy sausage dip. So in memory of the delicious dip I used to eat, I created my own keto version.